May 7, 2008

A Recipe Interlude

I know I've been doing lots of cooking stuff earlier, but I figure it's a good mix of things, yes? I recently gave a budding blogger the advice that the way to succeed is to pick a topic you're passionate about, to focus on it, and to blog about that topic at least 92 percent of the time. So this is some of my 8 percent of the "other."

I just made this make-ahead meal that I found in the most recent Real Simple magazine. I packaged everything up on Sunday night in individual freezer bags, and this is extremely convenient for someone like me who lives alone and who's trying to focus on portion control. It limits how much you eat, and keeps it within the portion size of the recipe! The recipe? Rosemary Chicken with Zucchini. I'll note, though, that I left out the zucchini because I'm not a fan. I suppose I could have substituted another green veggie, but I had a salad, so it's all good. Anyhow, it was quick, easy, and absolutely delicious. It was my first time buying fresh rosemary, and I have to say the fresh spices definitely make a huge difference. Anyhow, check out the recipe and enjoy!

Note: This is a meat dish, and I think the only way dairy could come into play is if the mustard somehow ends up with dairy in it, so if you're doing kosher, be sure to look out!


alto artist said...


I've just started reading your blog, and I really enjoy what you have to say. Thanks for this recipe--I HATE, HATE to cook, am trying to figure out how to enjoy it, and so am always looking for easy, freezable options.


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