Jun 1, 2010

Where's the Hair?

I've been married for just under 36 hours, and let me tell you what ... it's nice. It's nice to finally be able to touch the groom (that's Tuvia) and to be able to see each other again (the ridiculous choreography over the past week was, well, ridiculous). I'll need to sit down and write a good, long post about the wedding itself and what can be described only as an "out of body" experience for much of it, but for now?

Let's talk hair-covering.

I've been stocking up on tichels, and I went to Urban Outfitters (yes, you read that right) last week to pick up a few hats. I've always been planning on covering, I've even blogged about it. The things I've gotten since I started covering, well, this morning when I woke up, have been entertaining.

Did you shave your head?
Is your hair still under there?
I really liked your hair, why are you covering?

My answers?

Yes ...
Because I chose to! Don't you like my hat?! I got it at Urban Outfitters!

It's a cute little knit number with a big bow on the side. This picture of me is horrible and doesn't do the knit-number justice, but you get the point. Day One of covering: Good, awesome, easy. I didn't miss doing my hair at all. B'ezrat HaShem, this will be an easy, breezy transition.

Oh, and here's a picture of us, since I'm sure you guys are dying for wedded-bliss photos! There are a ton on Facebook, so go there, look at my profile, and enjoy! (Thanks to everyone who masterfully threw them up there within moments of the wedding, lol.)


Shmuel said...

Mazel tov! I'll give you guys a blessing that I wish someone had given to me (not that it mattered, because I gave it to ourselves ANYWAY):

I bless the two of you, that you should never be able to get enough of each other!

May you build a bayis ne'eman b'Yisrael

Unknown said...

The comments get even better when you wear a sheital. Enjoy the beautiful mitzvah of covering your hair its really special!

Suburban Sweetheart said...

Wedding pics look great! Can't believe you got that dress ONLINE. But it's totally fitting that you did. ;)

Good luck with the hair covering. Plenty of cute hats out there to make it work!

(PS: "Yes, I shaved my head but NOT MY BANGS." People are dumb...?)

HSaboMilner said...

omgoodness, Chavi - you totally rock that hat!!

Shades of Grey said...

Hair covering aside, since I'm a guy anyways - how did you decide to wear glasses to the chupa? The issue has been discussed elsewhere, but the general consensus was that the bride typically wears contacts. What's your perspective on the matter?

Chayah Nechama said...

Mazal tov! :-)

Anonymous said...

congratualtions! I found your blog through 20something and it looks really awesome. lots of luck!

KosherAcademic said...

You look so lovely in your hat! Wish we could've been there for some sheva brachot!

Karen Zampa Katz said...

yea horray!.......

I am so happy for you......


IMA2four7 said...

That hat is so great!

Rabbi's Wife said...

Love this hat! You look so cute in it. I loved your letter to Hadassah, also! I wish I lived closer to help you out more. Maybe you and Tuvia will come to Israel?

Anat said...

Love the hat! We should go shopping together - after seven years I can use some renewal of my stocks...

I wish you that covering your hair will continue to be easy, but be aware that it usually hits ppl that this is a forever thing - no more getting your hair wet in the pouring rain just for fun, no more opening the door without looking for a hat etc - only 2-4 weeks after the wedding...

Good luck!

ByTheBay said...

Mazel tov! you look lovely, and happy.

Jew Wishes said...

I adore the hat!

Cute photo!

Mazal Tov!

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

Eeee! Thank you all for your kind comments!

@Anat Interestingly, I never liked getting my hair wet in the pouring rain (actually, it mortified me). Now? I walk around in the rain with my hat or scarf, and I'm happy as a clam :) No self-consciousness about my hair getting all wet and ugly anymore!

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