After three weeks in Israel, I arrived safe and sound this morning at Newark at the bright and sunshiney hour of 4:30 a.m. Luckily, we were one of the first flights, so I got to zip through security -- a first, and a huge contrast to my experience at Ben-Gurion which took 2.5 hours, which was longer than any experience ever. Reasons not to fly the Red Eye? At any rate, I'm just glad I flew Continental and not Delta (who appears to not be fond of Jews these days).
I came home to a dinosaur in my bed, a to-go Smoothie Maker, and visions of Chinese food dancing in my head. My copy of 1,001 Foods You Must Taste Before You Die (referenced on my other blog because of the gluten-free foods) arrived, and so did a huge stack of mail (mostly junk but some good photos from a sweet Snapfish deal). My dear husband hauled himself out of bed at the wee hours to pick me up, and then shuffled off to work, while I went home and cleaned out my inbox and ran errands.
Walking out of Target, all I could think was: I want to sleep, for days ... nay! Weeks!
It's the typical thing, you know, where you need a vacation from your vacation. Luckily, the next week is going to be nothing but writing a few articles on the Israeli Presidential Conference, decide whether to pursue my idea for a website called Gerim Online where converts and converts-to-be can speak and consult and counsel each other anonymously and publicly, and to sleep. Sleep my brains out. And eat food my body knows. And to miss Israel, of course.
Oh, and, I can't not mention spend time with my dear Tuvia, who put up with me jet-setting for three weeks without him. Let's just say I won't be doing any lengthy trips without him in the future. I plan on visiting my Little Bro Joe in South Carolina this summer, but those trips are short -- three to four days at most.
So, with an exhausted and stressed nod of my head, I must make a carrot cake, clean the entire apartment from top to bottom because my dear husband said he was going to and didn't (men, sigh), and prepare for our Happy-One-Year-Anniversary Kiddush we're hosting tomorrow (why? why did we choose this weekend?!), and then? Shabbat candles, Chinese food, and at least 14 hours of sleep.
Shabbat Shalom everyone!
Jun 24, 2011
A Brief Intermission to Recover

Why cant Tuvia come with you on your trips?
Please don't spread more of those false internet rumors. A quick perusal of online news will show that the accusations against Delta were false. The original writer has changed his story multiple times already, and the accusations have been shown to be based on misinformation.
There are enough real Jew haters and Israel haters out there. We don't need to invent new ones.
Welcome back! The States missed you! Really enjoyed your updates from the Holy Land. I totally lived vicariously through you. Shabbat Shalom!
Yeah, LTC seems to be right: the Delta thing does NOT appear to be true, though I keep seeing it retweeted & mentioned. Better to put an end to this one!
And THAT BOOK SOUNDS AWESOME. Enjoy little bit of post-Israel stateside relaxation. :)
Yes please to Gerim Online!
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