Feb 4, 2012

Sh*t Jews Say to Converts

This video is hilarious. Hilarious. And yes, the woman featured in the video is a convert!


Batya said...

Isn't that the woman who wrote the Persian cookbook?

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

Why yes, it is!

Woolfairy said...

This is just sad because it is so true. And also why so many converts stay in the closet when they can.

Hana Itzhaki said...

Did you know that Reyna who created this video is the author of an AMAZING cookbook called "Persian Food from the non-Persian Bride"? It's one of my favorites and a must for any kosher foodie. I was fortunate enough to hear her tell her story of South American secret Jewish past and conversion.

Chana said...

Damn! Would you PLEASE stop the automatic connetion to the audio of your speech? Once is enough.

arkee_titan said...

So you joined the Orthodox gang. Farewell to Big Bang cosmology and Darwinian biology, all your needs for thinking have been removed and rationality is out the window. Of course, the modern Orthodoxy wraps itself in sugar coating and seems very relevant, but O rabbis have ruled that it is OK to buy the organs of an executed Falun Gong practitioner in China as long is the victim is a goy and the beneficiary is a Jew. You can also look at your hands and see the blood of Itzhak Rabin killed by an orthodox Jew at the behest of rabbis. Welcome to Jewish fascism and racism and enjoy your ride at the back of the bus in Israel. In your spare time, spit on an eight year old (immodestly dressed?) and burn a Reform kindergarten and a Conservative synagogue. It all comes with the territory. Shame!!

HaSafran said...

Wow, Arkee. You should really stop repressing that hostility and let us know how you really feel.

And after you're done with your rant, could I borrow your broad-stroke brush to paint the side of my house in one go?

Modern Haredi said...

What about sh*t converts say to people born Jewish?

Mazer Wolfsheim said...

I love Reyna and Sammy, they are some of the best people I know. They are pillars of the community, I spent many, many a Friday night with them when I lived in Boston :)

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